Our regular club meetings for club business take place on the last THURSDAY of the month, at the Broomhill Inn, Broomhill Rd, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6AJ. We generally meet up from 7.30pm, with the meeting officially starting at 8.00pm. Food and drink is available at the bar and there is a spacious car park. Contact us if you’d like to come and see what it is all about or just turn up! Everyone is welcome to help shape your club.
Please note that there isn’t a meeting in December, but don’t forget that it is replaced by our Xmas meal together on SUNDAY 3rd DECEMBER at 2:00pm at the Broomhill Inn, Broomhill Rd, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6AJ. Please bring along wrapped raffle prize and SEASON’S GREETINGS to all mini owners and enthusiasts!
Our Facebook page can be found here.